admin Publish time 2024-02-08 19:29:35


High-definition live broadcast, with 5,000 TV channels, 30,000 movies, and daily updates. There are 20,000 tv dramas, which are also updated and added daily. This TV package has been running for three years, with stable viewing. If your home has a telecommunications, Unicom, or mobile network, our set-top box is connected to your TV, and the set-top box is connected to your home's WiFi like a mobile phone. Click on the high-definition image icon to watch. If you are interested, you can inquire about the channels and prices.

admin Publish time 2024-03-23 19:46:46

How to get this TV package to watch? First, you can download this TV package on your mobile phone by below link, and then click to install it after download. After the installation is completed, open it, and it will show mac address,Photo to me and I will open it for you for a trial watch. Then you can decide whether to buy it or not. From your download to the completion of the installation, it will be completed within 5 minutes, and you can watch TV. It's that simple.
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